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WinCNCTouch Support – CNC Experts

How-to Videos

How to Use WinCNCTouch – The Basics

Frequently asked questions

Q: What happens if I get a phone call while using WinCnc Touch to control my cnc machine? A: If a user action was initiated on the mobile device and the device gets interrupted, WinCnc Touch simply sends the message to terminate that action. For example: If the user is jogging the machine from the mobile device using the arrow buttons, the machine will simply stop jogging and allow the user to take the call or respond to the message. For safety reasons, Wincnc Touch will not resume motion, but will wait for the operator to initiate a new command.

If WinCnc Touch is running idle (simply monitoring the changing machine coordinates and nothing else) and gets interrupted by a phone call or text message while a job is processing on the machine, the machine simply keeps doing what it was already doing. WinCnc Touch does not in this case tell the machine to stop processing the task at hand, as the task was not initiated on the mobile device

Q: What happens if I lose my network connection while jogging my CNC machine using WinCnc Touch? A: If you are jogging your CNC machine and the network connection gets lost, the jog action will terminate and the machine will come to a safe, controlled stop.

Q: What happens if my network gets congested while operating my CNC machine using WinCnc Touch? A: Network congestion can sometimes be a problem on a busy network or if you have an inferior quality network adapter or wireless router. This can cause some messages coming to and from Wincnc Touch to get delayed. For safety reasons, if you are jogging your CNC machine and the network connection gets congested, the jog action will timeout and the machine will come to a safe, controlled stop. In some instances, network congestion can cause the position updates to be slightly jittery, rather than smooth. This, however, is a fairly rare occurrence. On an average network, the positions on the mobile device will update more smoothly than on the actual WinCnc Controller screen on the PC.