Like many models of cnc routers out there, Gerber’s line of cnc routers (which includes the System 48, System 48 Plus, the GerberRouter, Advantage Router AR600 and AR400) are getting older every day. Many of them are still running with the old controller and Gerber’s ArtPath software. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, they still get the job done.
However, the software that’s on the market now has advanced a lot further than ArtPath. Wouldn’t you like to have automatic nesting so that you can get the most usage out of your material and not have to manually nest parts on each sheet of material? How about machining 3D? Those are just a couple of capabilities that you’re missing if you haven’t upgraded your Gerber yet.
Gerber is a fantastic, innovative company. But they don’t service these old machines anymore. If something goes wrong, who do you call?
I started using Gerber routers in 1989. And, in the last few years, we here at CNC Experts have upgraded more than a few of these old workhorses to run like new machines. We can help you with yours as well. Even if you are a great distance away from us, we can send you an cnc retrofit kit with all the things you need and easy-to-follow instructions and technical support so you can get your machine ship-shape in no time.
Give us a call at (615) 378-7625 or request a FREE Quotation on a cnc retrofit so you can upgrade your Gerber router.
I require software to run a advantage 600 router , can you help us ? Thanks
Hi James. From the factory, the Advantage Router 600 with the original ArcStation controllers used Gerber’s proprietary ArtPath software. To my knowledge, there is no other software that can be used with that controller.
So, we usually upgrade the Gerber routers with a new control system. We can come on-site and install a new control, or we can send out a kit and you can do it yourself.